Projection of movie "Violent Borders" in High school "Skenderbegu" in Presevo
- Details
- Category: Vesti
- Created on 29 March 2019
Volunteers from APC Southern office wanted their classmates and friends hear about the problems of migrants, violence at the borders and lack of protection for these people Within the APC Southern office, we are organising asylum and refugee info sessions and intercultural workshops in local high schools in Presevo and Bujanovac on regular basis. The students had opportunity to hear about the refugees, their plight and stories, understand their region in the context of migration, learn about the rights and system of protection and integration for asylum seekers and refugees. They are also taking part in APC asylum letters exchange.
#asylumprotectioncenter #presevo #south #understanding #inclusion #communitywork #youthwork #civiceducation