Da li voliš da pomažeš drugima u nevolji? Želiš da pružiš podršku ljudima koji beže od rata i nasilja, a koji su se na svom putu našli u Srbiji? Želiš da slobodno vreme koje imaš provedeš radeći nešto korisno i za sebe i za druge?

Centar za zaštitu i pomoć tražiocima azila (APC/CZA) poziva sve koji žele pruže direktnu podršku tražiocima azila i migrantima, doprinesu stvaranju tolerantnog i otvorenog društva i suzbijanju predrasuda i ksenofobije da se priključe mreži APC/CZA volontera.

Volonter može biti svako ko je punoletan, ima vremena i želje da pomogne ljudima u nevolji i nema predrasuda prema ljudima drugih nacija, vera ili rasa.

Ukoliko imaš želju da pomogneš i vremena da se aktivno uključiš u redovne aktivnosti Centra za zaštitu i pomoć tražiocima azila (APC/CZA) kontaktiraj nas za više informacija.




Neki od ostvarenih rezultata/ Some of the achieved Results:

  • Više od 230,000 informisanih migranta, azilanata, izbeglica i prognanih

More than 230,000 migrants, asylum seekers, refugees, exiles legally informed

  • Više od 24,000 pravno savetovanih migranta, azilanata, izbeglica i prognanih

More than 24,000 migrants, asylum seekers, refugees, exiles legally advised

  • Više od 10,000 psihološki savetovanih migranta, azilanata, izbeglica i prognanih

More than 10,000 migrants, asylum seekers, refugees, exiles psychologically councelled

  • Više od 4500 socijalno asistiranih migranta, azilanata, izbeglica i prognanih

More than 4500 migrants, asylum seekers, refugees, exiles socially assisted

  • Više od 440,000 pređenih kilometara

More than 440,000 km passed

  • Više od 250,000 web posetilaca

More than 250,000 webpage visitors

  • Više od 35,000 asistirane dece migranta, azilanata, izbeglica i prognanih

More than 35,000 assisted children migrants, asylum seekers, refugees, exiles

  • Više od 1000 radionica realizovanih

More than 1000 workshops realized

  • Više od 50 lokalnih kampanja preduzeto

More than 50 local campaigns undertaken

  • Više od 100 lokalnih događaja organizovano

More than 100 local events organized

  • Više od 250 volontera uključeno

More than 250 volunteers envolved

  • Više od 150 studentata uključeno

More than 150 students envolved


APC sektori / APC sectors

1.Pravni sektor/Legal sector

APC Legal Protection (legal aid and representation of asylum seekers/persons granted protection/unaccompanied minor asylum seekers, before asylum instances in asylum and in all other administrative proceedings, before magistrate courts, before administrative courts, constitutional court, ECtHR);

Naša organizacija pruža pravnu zaštitu migrantima, tražiocima azila i licima koja su dobila azil, informiše ih o njihovom pravnom položaju u zemlji - pravima i obavezama, postojećim procedurama, o načinima zaštite i ostvarivanja prava, naša organizacija prijavljuje zloupotrebe, bori se protiv trgovine ljudima i krijumčarenja, kao i pruža zaštitu protiv konkretnih slučajeva diskriminacije od pojedinaca ili institucija.

Pravnici naše organizacije ove ugrožene grupeljudi pravno savetuju i zastupaju u azilnom postupku i svim ostalim upravnim postupcima u Srbiji kao i pred prekršajnim sudovima, upravnim i drugim sudovima u Srbiji, pred ustavnim sudom, pred Evropskim sudom za ljudska prava – ESLJP. Pravni tim APC pokreće i realizuje postupke spajanja porodica kada je reč o izbeglicama, a posebna pažnja se posvećuje maloletnicima bez pratnje roditelja, kao i ženama, ali i drugim posebno ugroženim kategorijama migranata, tražilaca azila i lica koja su dobila zaštitu (žrtvama nasilja, trgovine ljudima, diskriminacije, samohranim majkama, deci, osobama sa invaliditetom i drugim ugroženim i ranjivim kategorijama).

Pravna pomoć i informisanje se realizuje u kancelarijama APC-a širom zemlje ali i u/oko centara za prihvat, tranzitnih centara, azilnih centara i na drugim mestima u lokalnim sredinama gde se oni nalaze širom zemlje.


2.Psihološki sektor/ Psychological sector 

APC Psychological Protection (psychological assessment, psychological individual/group/family counselling and therapy, crisis intervention, coordination and assistance in contact with medical services);

Psihološka zaštita podrazumeva rad APC psihologa i osoblja sa terapijskim iskustvom, sa migrantima, tražiocima azila i licima koja su dobila azil. Zadatak naših psihologa je procena njihovog psihofizičkog stanja, pružanje psihološke pomoći (individualne, grupne, porodične pomoći i intervencije u krizi), kroz psihološka savetovanja i terapiju. Psiholozi naše organizacije intervenišu u kriznim situacijama u koordinaciji sa centrima za socijalni rad, policijom, centrima za prihvat ali i centrom za borbu protiv trgovine ljudima, medicinskim službama i drugim institucijama.

Psihološka pomoć se pruža u kancelarijama APC-a širom zemlje ali i u/oko centara za prihvat, tranzitnih centara, azilnih centara i na drugim mestima u lokalnim sredinama gde se oni nalaze širom zemlje. Posebna pažnja u pružanju psihološke pomoći se posvećuje maloletnicima bez pratnje roditelja, kao i ženama, ali i drugim posebno ugroženim kategorijama migranata, tražilaca azila i lica koja su dobila zaštitu (žrtvama nasilja, trgovine ljudima, diskriminacije, samohranim majkama, deci, osobama sa invaliditetom i drugim ugroženim i ranjivim kategorijama lica).


3.Sektor socijalno integracijske zaštite/ Pedagogical, Social and Integration Protection Sector 

APC Pedagogical, Social and Integration Protection Sector (pedagogical/workshop assistance, assistance in education, interaction/integration assistance, social assistance, youth work, COI unit, student practices/internships, volunteering, humanitarian work); IV Program Sector (management, fundraising, finances, research, advocacy, media and PR work).

Sektor socijalno integracijske zaštite pruža pedagošku, socijalnu i integracijsku pomoć i zaštitu tražiocima azila, izbeglicama, licima koja su dobila zaštitu. U kancelarijama APC-a širom zemlje u i oko centara za prihvat, tranzitnih, azilnih centara i na drugim mestima u lokalnim sredinama gde se oni nalaze širom zemlje, naši pedagozi i socijalni radnici pružaju pomoć u uspostavljanju interakcije migranata i azilanata sa lokalnim građanima i nastoje da ih uključe u lokalnu sredinu. Naša organizacija uključuje decu u sistem obrazovanja, a pomoć pri praćenju nastave i njihovom prilagodjavanju novoj sredini jedan je od glavnih zadataka za naš stručni tim.

Naši socijalni radnici i pedagozi pružaju pomoć u integraciji, kroz pomoć u pribavljanju potrebnih dokumenata, pomoć u učenju jezika, učenju kulture, običaja, ali i sticanju znanja u pogledu državnog uređenja, postojećih propisa i funkcionisanja državnog sistema i   institucija. Pomoć socijalnih radnika i pedagoga se ogleda i u uspostavljanju kontakata sa poslodavcima, pribavljanju radnih dozvola i pristupa tržištu rada, pronalaženju zaposlenja za tražioce azila i lica koja su dobila azil, pružanju pomoći tokom osamostaljivanja i započinjanja samostalnog života u zemlji, pronalaženju privatnog smeštaja, nostrifikaciji diploma, ostvarivanju prava na socijalnu pomoć i zdravstvenu zaštitu.

Ovaj sektor je usmeren i na pomoć mladima da se osnaže, prevaziđu tekuće izazove, integrišu u lokalnu sredinu u kojoj borave, kroz osmišljene kreativne, kulturološke, interkulturalne radionice, zasnovane i na otkrivanju specifičnosti zemalja, društva i kultura iz koje ti mladi ljudi dolaze. Cilj ovih radionica je da te mlade ljude upozna i sa specifičnostima društva i kulture sredine u kojoj borave, pa naš tim organizuje brojene interkulturalne manifestacije, radionice, okrugle stolove, tribine, izložbe, a koje imaju za cilj, grade razumevanje među mladima u lokalnoj sredini, bore se protiv predrasuda i ksenofobije, da šire toleranciju.

Posebna pažnja u pružanju pedagoške, socijalne i integracijske zaštite i pomoći se posvećuje maloletnicima bez pratnje roditelja, kao i ženama i deci, ali i drugim posebno ugroženim kategorijama migranata, tražilaca azila i lica koja su dobila zaštitu (žrtvama nasilja, trgovine ljudima, diskriminacije, samohranim majkama, osobama sa invaliditetom i drugim ugroženim i ranjivim kategorijama lica).

Related Links

Department of the Interior - http://www.mup.sr.gov.rs/

Commissariat for Refugees of the Republic of Serbia - http://www.kirs.gov.rs

ECRE - http://www.ecre.org/

HUDOC - http://www.echr.coe.int/echr/en/hudoc

Asylum Serbia - http://www.azilsrbija.rs/

Asylum Serbia on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/AzilUSrbiji

Asylum Serbia on Twitter - https://www.twitter.com/APC_CZA

Health care in Bogovadja - http://www.azilbogovadja.rs/

Health care in Bogovadja on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ZdravljeBogovadja

APC-CZA activities and results in the period 2007. - 2011.

Asylum Protection Center Is an independent, nongovernmental, nonprofit but qualified organization consisting of experts of all profiles and professions connected by the idea of not only providing assistance and protection to asylum seekers, refugees, internally displaced and all other persons forced to migrate, but also of improving the institution of asylum and the rights of asylum seekers and refugees in Serbia, all with the aim of improving the Serbian society in civilized, moral, legal and all other ways.

Asylum Protection Center offers legal, psychological and other assistance to asylum seekers in Serbia and as such it was recognized in the Strategy of the Government of the Republic of Serbia in the field of migration for the period 2009-2014 (The Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia No. 25/2009).

The main objective of the existence of our organization is to provide the necessary assistance to asylum seekers, refugees, displaced persons and all other persons who having been in trouble had to migrate, and to whom due to their sensitivity, vulnerability and state of emergency, help is needed. The goal of our organization is to provide such a help in an extremely professional and truly human manner, fully understanding the state and circumstances in which asylum seekers, refugees, displaced persons and other persons, who had to migrated, are.

The organization was founded by enthusiasts and humane people towards the end of 2007. It was a result of the recognized need to protect a vulnerable category of people, who are particularly vulnerable due to additional foreign element - lack of knowledge of the language, culture,
customs, legal legislative issues and generally the way of functioning of the local government system, and who as such in Serbia can more easily violate the laws/rights than other groups.

Founders, members and supporters of our organization are people of different professions and skills: lawyers, political scientists, sociologists, doctors, scientists, anthropologists and others, connected by the idea of respecting the highest human values of the modern society and offering protection to those who fled their homes owing to persecution, fearing for their own lives and safety, and as such sought refuge in our country and our society.

Our organization has been provided assistance to asylum seekers from the creation of the asylum system in our country till today, dedicatedly and humanly, as the only organization so far which provides legal assistance to asylum seekers, achieving significant results and contributing to the respect of the rights of this category of people in Serbia.

Since 2008, until today, our organization has legally advised over 95% of all asylum seekers and provided psychological support to more than 50% of all of them, filing more that 99% of all submissions to state authorities, institutions, agencies, and all courts of the Republic of Serbia.

In the period from 2009 to 2011, law students of the Refugee Legal Clinic at the Faculty of Law, in Belgrade, performed professional practice in our organization. 

From 2011, the Center began with psychological practice in the field of asylum for students of psychology.

Even since 2008, the Center has established contacts and cooperation on some issues with nongovernmental organizations from the region and the European Union, including the Croatian Legal Centre, Montenegrin Legal Center, Hungarian Helsinki Committee, Slovak League for Human Rights, Slovenian Legal Information Centre and Slovenian Peace Institute, as well as the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee. In Serbia, the Center has been collaborating, from the very beginning of its existence, with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the Danish Refugee Council, as well as with domestic NGOs such as ATINA, AMITIJA, and others. In the year 2011, our organization helped the implementation of the AMITIJA project of providing social support to asylum seekers in the Asylum Center in Banja Koviljaca by sharing and applying experiential knowledge and providing translation and technical assistance.

The Center also cooperates effectively with the ATINA nongovernmental organization, which provides assistance and protection to women victims of trafficking and gender-based violence. 

Our membership in the most famous European organization of NGOs that protects asylum seekers and refugees – ECRE (European Council on Refugees and Exiles) has further strengthened our position in the country and abroad. As a full member, our organization is in a position to share practice and experience with colleagues from all European countries and learn more about the problems and their solutions, which will follow in future phases of development of the asylum system in this country.

Asylum Protection Center provides information and statistics to every domestic,foreign or international organization, embassy and the media that request information from the field of asylum in Serbia by respecting the principles of confidentiality and professional secrecy.

In its work, the Asylum Protection Center has been trying to develop and has already succeeded in developing cooperation with the government agencies and organizations, the Commissariat for Refugees of the RS, RS Border Police, Immigration Department, magistrates and other courts of the RS, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, Asylum and Social Welfare Centers, centers for the reception of juvenile aliens, having in mind the common field of action and the necessity of coordination in exercising the rights of asylum seekers and refugees in Serbia.

The role of the Asylum Protection Center turned out to be significant, bearing in mind the experience and knowledge of the Center gained abroad even before the Serbian asylum system was created, in establishing connection of all the factors who had to play an active role and participate in the health, welfare and juvenile protection in the Serbian asylum system. The role the Centre has played in the asylum system so far, by linking and networking certain state institutions and bodies not only among themselves on the ground but also with the local and international civil societies, by providing legal and psychological care to asylum seekers, as well as by organizing practices and informing the media about the situation in the field of asylum, contributed to the sustainable functioning of the asylum system and creation of the conditions for its development.

As the situation in the field of asylum is constantly changing, and with regard to the growing trend in the number of asylum seekers that multiplied over the years, the need for professional legal and psychological care will be greater in the coming years. The fact that the Law on Asylum guarantees free legal assistance to be provided by an NGO, and that the Government Decree on Migration recognizes the Asylum Protection Center as the organization capable of and in authority of providing legal aid to asylum seekers in Serbia, and bearing in mind the fact that the Asylum Protection Center has been the only organization that provided legal assistance to asylum seekers so far, the Center faces a difficult period of struggle in ensuring respect for the rights of asylum seekers and improving these rights and also in promoting human and moral ideas to help and protect vulnerable people from persecution, as well as the fight against the growing xenophobia and prejudice in our society.

During the years of its involvement, the Center has built a good communication with the media and actively works to combat prejudice and xenophobia in the society, timely and responsibly informing the public about events, novelties, problems, and statistics in the field of asylum in Serbia, but also commenting on the migratory events in the region, Europe and the world, thus bringing the phenomena and problems related to migration issues to the public, which will be of more concern of our society in the near future.

Along with the commitment to provide legal, psychological and other assistance during the asylum procedure, the Center has been actively involved in solving communication problems of refugees with the local community, their social inclusion and eventual integration into the local society. By establishing contacts with local authorities and residents of local communities, and through already started project dealing with organization of workshops, meetings and dialogue between refugees and local population, and active engagement in the field of promoting tolerance, breaking prejudice and fear, communication and dialogue, the Center will in the future try to meet the challenge of comprehensive protection of refugees within the framework of our socio-legal system.


Expert Council


Sc.D. Ilija Vujacic
Professor of the University of Belgrade, Dean of the Faculty of Political Science, Political Department

Sc.D. Jasminka Hasanbegovic
Professor of the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Law, Department for theory, sociology and philosophy of law

Sc.D. Mirjana Bobic
Professor of the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Sociology

Sc.D. Milorad Todorovic
Professor of the University of Novi Pazar, Department of Psychology

Sc.D. Miroslav Vukelic
Assistant Professor of the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Classical Studies

Sc.D. Bojana Grabez
One of the founders of the Asylum Protection Center, scientific advisor for high energy physics at the Institute of Physics in Belgrade

Sc.D. Ratomir Vasovic
From 1976 to 2002, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Physical Education, Professor at College of Sports and Health in Belgrade


Executive Director

Jovana Vinčić


Diplomirala na  Filozofskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu, smer Pedagogija. Od 2007. godine aktivna u civilnom sektoru u Srbiji kroz omladinska udruženja i organizacije civilnog društva, angažovane na polju promovisanja i zaštite ženskih prava i prava drugih ranjivih grupa u Srbiji, interkulturalnog učenja, prevencije diskriminacije i nasilja.

Usavršavala se u oblasti ljudskih prava, socijalne zaštite, interkulturalnog učenja, pozorišne pedagogije, pedagoškog rada sa decom i maloletnicima bez pratnje, socijalne inkluzije i integracije, oblasti prikupljanja sredstava, monitoringa, evaluacija i vođenja lokalnih i regionalnih projekata, komunikacije i zagovaranja.

Aktivna je jedanaest godina na polju socijalne pedagoške i integracijske podrške izbeglim licima, migrantima i tražiocima azila u Srbiji.

Stručno se usavršavala u radu sa izbeglicama, azilantima i ranjivim kategorijama izbeglih u Švedskoj, Norveškoj, Italiji, Egiptu, Keniji i Libanu počev od 2009. godine.

U Centru za zaštitu i pomoć tražiocima azila radi od 2012. godine, a od 2015. godine radi na poziciji koordinatorke sektora pedagoške. socijalne i integracijske zaštite. Od 2020 godine je angažovana i na poslovima razvoja organizacionih sektora, programa zapošljavanja izbeglih, razvoja programa obuke kuluturnih medijatora i studenata, razvoju lokalnih kancelarija organizacije, razvoju programa socijalnog preduzetništva organizacije.

Članica je Komore socijalne zaštite Srbije i predavačica na domaćim i stranim akreditovanim treninzima i programima obuke.

Executive Board

Members of the Executive Board of APC/CZA are:

Snežana Vasović

Radoš Đurović

Jovana Vinčić


• The improvement and promotion of idea of protection and assistance to refugees in the Republic of Serbia as well as ideas to provide adequate legal and other assistance to asylum seekers, refugees, displaced people and any other persons who are in trouble migrating, while respecting fundamental human rights.

• The promotion of securing and protecting the rights of asylum seekers, refugees, displaced persons and any other persons who are in need migrated in our society.

• providing legal and other assistance to asylum seekers, refugees, displaced persons, repatriants and all other migrants.

• Support the adoption of new legislation on asylum and regulation of issues related to the asylum and refugee legal and other protection pursuant to legislation and practices in the EU

• Supervision of state authorities in dealing with asylum seekers, refugees, displaced persons and any other persons who are in trouble migrating.

• Education of young lawyers and students through organized practices at the APC/CZA

• Public information about the status and data related to the implementation of the institution of asylum

• Informing the public of statistical data related to asylum seekers, refugees, displaced persons and all others who are in trouble migrated

• Informing the public about the competent authorities of the asylum

• Establishing direct links and contacts with other organizations, associations, clubs and centers in the country and the world for cooperation, training and exchange of experiences.

• Dialogue and communication between local people and asylum seekers, refugees, displaced persons and all others who are in trouble migrated

• Dealing with the other goals of interest to the organization and asylum, refugees, displaced persons and all others who are in trouble migrated.

The main motto of the members of the Asylum Protection Centre is that "A one friend is not a little, thousands of them- not too many."


APC/CZA projects in the last five years


  • legal representation of the asylum seekers in asylum procedure in Serbia


  • legal representation of the asylum seekers in asylum procedure in Serbia
  • psychological assistance to the asylum seekers
  • legal practice of law students in the field of asylum law


  • legal representation of the asylum seekers in the asylum procedure in Serbia
  • psychological assistance to the asylum seekers
  • legal practice of law students in the field of asylum law


  • legal representation of the asylum seekers in the asylum procedure in Serbia
  • psychological assistance to the asylum seekers
  • legal practice of law students in the field of asylum law


  • Legal assistance to refugees, internally displaced persons, asylum seekers, migrants and any repatriants
  • legal representation in the asylum, tort, administrative proceedings and the proceedings on constitutional complaints
  • psychological assistance to the asylum seekers
  • empowerment of asylum seekers and persons granted asylum to more active social role in communities
  • Preparation of reports on the countries of origin, COI training, online presentation
  • legal practice of law students in the field of asylum law
  • Asylum practice for students of political science and sociology students

Abouth APC/CZA


Asylum Protection Center APC / CZA is an independent, non-profit, but professional and skilled organization that provides legal, psychosocial and other support and protection to asylum seekers, refugees, displaced persons and any other persons who are in trouble of migrating. APC/CZA is active in improving the concept of asylum and the asylum system in Serbia, suppressions of prejudice and xenophobia, approaching the issues and problems of asylum seekers and the wider public in Serbia.

Asylum Protection Center (APC/CZA ) is an association that provides legal and psychological support to asylum seekers , persons who granted protection of Serbia and all other persons who are in trouble migrating. APC/CZA order to improve the Institute of asylum and the asylum and refugee law in Serbia with an aim to improve the Serbian society in the civilized, moral and legal aspects.

The work of the organization is based on frequent presence on the field, weekly activities in centers for asylum seekers in Bogovadja and Banja Koviljaca and the Department for Children and Youth, Department for the immigration in Padinska skela , in Subotica and other places where asylum seekers and irregular migrants are in Serbia. APC/CZA continuously mediates communication between asylum seekers, citizens and representatives of local communities in which asylum seekers and other migrants are living.

APC / CZA is member of ECRE (European Council on Refugees and Exiles ), a pan-European alliance of non-governmental organizations that provide assistance to refugees and asylum seekers . The importance of APC/CZA as the authority in the legal protection of asylum seekers and functioning asylum system and the provision of legal and other protection to asylum seekers in Serbia is clearly recognized in the Strategy of the Government of the Republic of Serbia for the migration since 2009. (Official Gazette no. 25/2009 ). Since the beginning of asylum system in Serbia(2008 ) to the present, APC / CZA has advised more than 80 percent of all asylum seekers and representation for all asylum seekers who have received any protection in the Republic of Serbia , forming the whole practice of asylum administrative and judicial procedures and systems in Serbia since 2012.