Permanent residency for Syrian refugee
- Details
- Category: Legal aid
- Created on 27 June 2024
Source: APC Photo: APC
Belgrade, June 27, 2024 – With the assistance of the Asylum Protection Center (APC), another refugee has received permanent residency and a Serbian biometric identity card. APC initiated and established the practice of issuing biometric identity cards and granting permanent residency in accordance with the country’s newly amended residency regulations.
This time, the identity card was provided to a refugee from Syria, who has been a long-time beneficiary of APC and has been living in Serbia for many years.
Yaser came to Serbia in 2003 to study; however, following the outbreak of the war in Syria, Yaser decided to not return to his home country, refusing to engage in combat activities and fearing for his life due to his religious and political beliefs.
With the support of APC’s legal representation, Yaser managed to apply for asylum in 2012, 2013 and was granted subsidiary protection, but not full refugee status. During the legal process that lasted until 2020, APC’ lawyers challenged Asylum Office’s decision of granting subsidiary protection, by sending an appeals to the Asylum Office and filing lawsuits with the Administrative Court of the Republic of Serbia. Consequently and upon the orders of the Administrative Court and Asylum Commission, Asylum Office decided to change its decision and to grant Yaser full refugee status, providing him with an asylum in Serbia. Aforementioned decision successfully concluded the legal battle stopping Syrian refugees automatically being granted only one-year protection, which entails being subject to constant reviewing process and keeping the refugee in a state of uncertainty. Instead and due to the conflict in Syria and various persecutions, Syrian refugees are to be granted asylum in Serbia, implying residence and protection for a period of 5 years.
During his stay in Serbia and with the APC integration team’s assistance, Yaser found various employments and began working as a translator for various local and international organizations.
Yaser is fluent in Serbian language and plans to enroll in a college in Serbia and obtain his first Serbian diplomas. With the help of APC’s social workers, he also aims to earn translator license, so he can work in future as Arabic language official court interpreter. This profession is in demand at Serbian job market. There are not as many Arabic language official court interpreters in proceedings, before Serbian institutions.