Da li voliš da pomažeš drugima u nevolji? Želiš da pružiš podršku ljudima koji beže od rata i nasilja, a koji su se na svom putu našli u Srbiji? Želiš da slobodno vreme koje imaš provedeš radeći nešto korisno i za sebe i za druge?

Centar za zaštitu i pomoć tražiocima azila (APC/CZA) poziva sve koji žele pruže direktnu podršku tražiocima azila i migrantima, doprinesu stvaranju tolerantnog i otvorenog društva i suzbijanju predrasuda i ksenofobije da se priključe mreži APC/CZA volontera.

Volonter može biti svako ko je punoletan, ima vremena i želje da pomogne ljudima u nevolji i nema predrasuda prema ljudima drugih nacija, vera ili rasa.

Ukoliko imaš želju da pomogneš i vremena da se aktivno uključiš u redovne aktivnosti Centra za zaštitu i pomoć tražiocima azila (APC/CZA) kontaktiraj nas za više informacija.


The policman who was smuggled asylum seekers arrested

Source: Večernje novosti  25. June  2013.

The former chief of the police in Loznica Slavisa Mitrovic, who is now assigning as assistant chief of police in neighboring Krupanj, was arrested on June 25th 2013 near Presevo. Mitrovic was caught while driving a group of asylum seekers, who are presumably, entering the Serbia from Macedonia.

According to the information of the daily "Novosti" this is not the first "tour" of asylum seekers, who were transferred to Serbia, directed by the police officers. Mitrovic, presumably, has been observed for a long time, not just by the police, but probably by other services as well. Some of his former friends and possible accomplices, mean while have been dismissed.

"It would not be possible to run these activities if the organizers did not have good connections at the places where they should not be. However, those who have been paid and obligated to fight against that crime, obviously had one foot in the service, and another in the crime" said directed in this business for the "Novosti " .

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