Da li voliš da pomažeš drugima u nevolji? Želiš da pružiš podršku ljudima koji beže od rata i nasilja, a koji su se na svom putu našli u Srbiji? Želiš da slobodno vreme koje imaš provedeš radeći nešto korisno i za sebe i za druge?

Centar za zaštitu i pomoć tražiocima azila (APC/CZA) poziva sve koji žele pruže direktnu podršku tražiocima azila i migrantima, doprinesu stvaranju tolerantnog i otvorenog društva i suzbijanju predrasuda i ksenofobije da se priključe mreži APC/CZA volontera.

Volonter može biti svako ko je punoletan, ima vremena i želje da pomogne ljudima u nevolji i nema predrasuda prema ljudima drugih nacija, vera ili rasa.

Ukoliko imaš želju da pomogneš i vremena da se aktivno uključiš u redovne aktivnosti Centra za zaštitu i pomoć tražiocima azila (APC/CZA) kontaktiraj nas za više informacija.


Refugees at Exhibition About First World War

On October 31st a visit to the Jadar Museum was organized within the framework of LOVE integration support, with a group of refugees who are housed at the asylum center in Banja Koviljaca.


After numerous questions about the history of Serbia, civil war, and security in the Balkans, APC arranged with the Museum a visit and viewing of permanent exhibitions and the thematic exhibition on the occasion of the centenary since the end of the First World War.

Hungry for information and with plenty of eagerness and interest, refugees followed all of the explanations and information given by curator Marija Šelić-Marković and explored the exhibited works. This helped the refugees to better understand the local reactions to refugees staying in Loznica and Banja Koviljaca, but also it enabled their understanding of how many colliding world interests, battles, struggles, uprisings, and human losses affected this area.

They also had the opportunity to see the Monument to a Boy - a participant in the battles on the Thessaloniki front, which will be set up in Loznica for the next few days.
The very beginnings of the First and Second World War happened within this region.
Through Marija  Šelić-Marković's emotional stories, the refugees were taught about the customs, the way of life, and of traditional family life in this region.

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