Da li voliš da pomažeš drugima u nevolji? Želiš da pružiš podršku ljudima koji beže od rata i nasilja, a koji su se na svom putu našli u Srbiji? Želiš da slobodno vreme koje imaš provedeš radeći nešto korisno i za sebe i za druge?

Centar za zaštitu i pomoć tražiocima azila (APC/CZA) poziva sve koji žele pruže direktnu podršku tražiocima azila i migrantima, doprinesu stvaranju tolerantnog i otvorenog društva i suzbijanju predrasuda i ksenofobije da se priključe mreži APC/CZA volontera.

Volonter može biti svako ko je punoletan, ima vremena i želje da pomogne ljudima u nevolji i nema predrasuda prema ljudima drugih nacija, vera ili rasa.

Ukoliko imaš želju da pomogneš i vremena da se aktivno uključiš u redovne aktivnosti Centra za zaštitu i pomoć tražiocima azila (APC/CZA) kontaktiraj nas za više informacija.


LOVE (Law, Order, Values) to migrants/asylum seekers/persons granted asylum in enjoying rights without discrimination

Asylum Protection Center APC/CZA together with the partners-BETA news agency and Public Policy Research Centre, are jointly implementing project LOVE (Law, Order, Values) to migrants/asylum seekers/persons granted asylum in enjoying rights without discrimination founded by the EU Civil Society Facility Programme 2015. The main goal of the project is to enable sustainable protection of migrants/asylum seekers/persons granted asylum (MI/AS/PGA) against discrimination in Serbian local communities and society in general in line with EU values/standards through a number of project activities broadly addressing the provision of direct support to final beneficiaries via Regional Migrant/Asylum info centres and building Network of local volunteering groups for facilitating MI/AS/PGA integration in the domain of legal protection, psychosocial, interaction/integration support in local communities with promotion and improvement of the systemic protection against discrimination of MI/AS/PGA through research, comprehensive advocacy campaign and strong media coverage. During the project's duration – which is 3 years – Asylum Protection Centre, BETA news agency and Public Policy Research Centre will release a number of policy studies, policy briefs and reports which will be jointly promoted via different advocacy campaigns and tools.This project has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union.

The project contents, views and realization are the sole responsibility of Asylum Protection Center APC/CZA, BETA news agency and Public Policy Research Centre, and the views expressed can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.


Useful links:
EU Delegation in Serbia - http://europa.rs/
EuropeAid Cooperation Office - http://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/index_en.htm
Civil Society Facility Programme 2015 - https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/europeaid/online-services/index.cfm?ADSSChck=1472572570252&do=publi.detPUB&nbPubliList=15&page=1&orderby=upd&searchtype=QS&orderbyad=Desc&aoref=152728&userlanguage=en
Centar za zaštitu i pomoć tražiocima azila APC/CZA - http://www.azilsrbija.rs
BETA News Agency - http://beta.rs/
Public Policy Research Centre - http://www.publicpolicy.rs/

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